My research proposal titled "Stochastic amplification of climate change into floods and droughts change" has been financed by the Italian Science Fund within the programme "Advanced Grant". The grant is worth 1.383.631,00 €.
The news on the web site of the Ministry for University and Research (in Italian) describes the programme, which finances fundamental research by adopting the model of the ERC. The web site als reports the list of the financed project. Here the list for the domain Physical Sciences and Engineering (PE).
My project, whose acronym is CO22Water, aims at analysing the impact of climate change on drought and flood risk, with the target of identifying the conditions which may trigger impact amplification and thus a greater risk of suffering from disasters, which are more and more frequent at the global level.
The duration of the project is 5 years. For me it's a honor, and an exceptional and additional motivation to stimulate my research. I am grateful to the Ministry, the Evaluation Committees and all of my colleagues in Italy and abroad, whose contribution and help has been - and still is - fundamental.
At the link below a short presentation of CO22Water can be downloaded.
Thanks for your interest.