Presentations 2022

My presentation at the "Hydrology Days" of the Italian Hydrological Society titled "What water for the future? Engineering design under climate change" (in Italian)

My presentation "What water for the future? Engineering design under climate change" (in Italian) at the Hydrology Days of the Italian Hydrological Society (Genoa 9-11 November 2022).

Thank you for your interest.

My interview at InsolvenzFest 2022 (in Italian) on "There's no water for everybody if the distribution is leaking: history of water debt...."

In September 2022 I had the pleasure to be interviewed by Luisiana Gaita at InsolvenzFest 2022 in Bologna. The interview focused on water resources management in the presence of climate change. In particular our discussion adopted the unusual view of looking at current water issues as a form of "water debt" that we are passing to future generations.

My presentation at the EGU22 meeting "Uncertainty assessment with Bluecat: Recognising randomness as a fundamental component of physics"

My presentation at the EGU22 meeting titled "Uncertainty assessment with Bluecat: Recognising randomness as a fundamental component of physics" is available at the link below.
Thank you for your interest.

My presentation "Climate change and frequency of hydrometeorological extremes. What solutions?" (in Italian) to the meeting "I Lincei per il clima", Genoa, March 15, 2022

My presentation at the meeting "I Lincei per il clima", Genoa, March 15, 2022 is available for download at the link below. The title is "Climate change and frequency of hydrometeorological extremes. What solutions?", it is in Italian and addressed to students of the high school.
Thank you for your interest.