Presentations 2021

My presentation (in Italian) to the "Hydrology Days 2021" titled "Bluecat: Un metodo innovativo per studiare l’incertezza di previsioni di deflussi fluviali", Naples October 1, 2021

My presentation to the Hydrology Days 2021 (Naples, September 30 and October 1st, 2021) is available for download at the link below. The title is "Bluecat: Un metodo innovativo per studiare l’incertezza di previsioni di deflussi fluviali". It is the first presentation of Bluecat in the Italian language.
Thank you for your interest.

My presentation at the meeting "Towards an institutional agremeent for water: the perspectives of stakeholders" (in Italian).

My presentation at the meeting "Towards an institutional agreement for water: the perspectives of stakeholders" (in Italian), titled: "Three priorities for water governance" is available at the link below.
Thank you for your interest.
All the best,

My presentation (with video) at the SAgE PGR Conference (Newcastle, July 7, 2021) titled: "Water Resources and Sustainability under Climate Change"

My invited presentation at the SAgE PGR Conference (Newcastle, July 7, 2021) titled: "Water Resources and Sustainability under Climate Change" is available for download at the link below. The video of my presentation is available here. Thank you for your interest. Best, Alberto

My presentation at the webinar "Climate change: hydrologic and hydraulic impacts" titled "Generation of tecnical scenarios of future climate for studying extreme events in the presence of climate change", June 17, 2021

My presentation at the webinar "Climate change: hydrologic and hydraulic impacts" organised by the Foir and the Italian Hydrotecnical Association and held on June 17, 2021 is available at the link below. The title is "Generation of tecnical scenarios of future climate for studying extreme events in the presence of climate change".
Thanks for your interest.

My memory of Prof. Fabio Rossi presented to the "Memorial of Prof. Fabio Rossi" - February 22, 2021 (in Italian)

 have had the honor to present my memory of Prof. Fabio Rossi, who recently passed away, to his memorial organised by the "Gruppo Italiano di Idraulica". My presentation is available for download at the link below. Its title is: "Fabio Rossi: l'impersonificazione dell'idrologia quale scienza ingegneristica" (in Italian).
Thank you very much for the invitation and your interest.