
My presentation (in Italian) on floods in historical cities, at the conference "Beni culturali ed ambientali a rischio" - Ravenna, November 20, 2019

My presentation titled "Flood risk in historical cities (in Italian)" at the conference "Beni culturali ed ambientali a rischio" - Ravenna, November 20, 2019 - is available for download at the link below.

Thank you for your interest.

Scientific paper: Probabilistic Hydrological Post-Processing

The scientific paper: Probabilistic Hydrological Post-Processing at Scale: Why and How to Apply Machine-Learning Quantile Regression Algorithms, published on Water, is available open access at the link below.

The study focuses on the use of machine-learning quantile regression algorithms for probabilistic hydrological post-processing in order to derive uncertainty of hydrological simulations.

My presentazion at the workshop "La scienza per la protezione civile", Bologna 16 ottobre 2019 (in Italian)

My presentazion at the workshop "La scienza per la protezione civile" - Bologna 16 ottobre 2019 (in Italian) - is available for download at the link below.

The title is: floods and climate change:certainties (few), uncertainties (many) and adaptation.

Thank you for your interest.

My presentation at the Mediterranean Ph.D School on Impacts of Climate Change and Sustainable Engineering Responses titled "Climate Change and Floods"

My presentation at the Short Mediterranean Ph.D School on Impacts of Climate Change and Sustainable Engineering Responses (Naples, October 7-11, 2019) is available at the link below.

The title is "Climate change and floods".

Thank you for your interest.

Scientific paper published on Nature: "Changing climate both increases and decreases European river floods"

I had the opportunity to participate, together with Attilio Castellarin and several other researchers, to a study conducted by a team at the Technical University of Wien on trends of floods frequency in Europe.

Data from numerous measurement stations all across Europe have been evaluated. The data shows that magnitude of flood events is changing with different patterns in different regions.

IAHS-WMO-UNESCO Dooge Medal Lecture: "To change or not to change, that is the question" - Montreal, July 12, 2019

I had the great honor to be awarded the Dooge Medal by the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and UNESCO. The award ceremony took place in Montreal, during the 2019 IUGG General Assembly, on July 12, 2019.

Scientific paper "Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH) – a community perspective"

The scientific paper "Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH) – a community perspective" is available here.
The paper is open access and therefore it can be freely downloaded. It presents a community effort to identify research questions for the hydrological community. They have been identified with a community endeavor. Of course these questions are far from being exhaustive, but they provide a very good picture of current emerging issues.

My presentation at the Ministry of Environment (June 27, 2019) titled "Integrating "nature based" solutions and structural interventions for adapting to climate change" (in Italian)

My presentation at the workshop "Valutazione e Gestione del Rischio Alluvioni – Governance del territorio e contributo del mondo scientifico" (in Italian, Roma, Ministry of the Environment, June 27, 2019) titled "Integrating "nature based" solutions and structural interventions for adapting to climate change" (in Italian) is available for download at the link below.

See also my lecture to students on the same topic (in Italian).

Thank you for your interest.

Scientific paper "Global and Regional Increase of Precipitation Extremes under Global Warming"

The scientific paper "Global and Regional Increase of Precipitation Extremes under Global Warming" has been just published on Water Resources Research. At the link below the accepted version can be downloaded.

It is an analysis daily rainfall data at global scale to assess changes in extreme rainfall regime. We found an increase of the frequency of extremes, while changes in in extreme rainfall intensity are less evident.

Thank you for your interest.

Scientific paper "Evaluating the Effects of Urbanization Evolution on Air Temperature Trends Using Nightlight Satellite Data"

The article "Evaluating the Effects of Urbanization Evolution on Air Temperature Trends Using Nightlight Satellite Data" has been just published on MDPI Atmosphere.

The article is open access and can be reached here.

I believe this paper is significant in that it explores the impact of the heat island effect on temperature measurements by using an innovative technique.

Thank you for your interest!


Scientific paper "A large sample analysis of European rivers on seasonal river flow correlation and its physical drivers"

The article "A large sample analysis of European rivers on seasonal river flow correlation and its physical drivers" has been just published on Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.

The article is open access and can be reached here. I believe this paper is significant in that it explores the opportunity of statistically predicting high and low flows in rivers with weeks in advance, by exploiting the "river memory" properties.

Presentation "Effect of global-scale human pressure evolution on water resources sustainability" given at the symposium "Recent Advances in Water Resources Research and Modelling", Delft, September 28, 2018

My invited presentation "Effect of  global-scale human pressure evolution on water resources sustainability", given at the symposium "Recent Advances in Water Resources Research and Modelling", held in Delft on September 28, 2018, can be downloaded at the link below.
Thank you for your interest.